Wednesday, May 8, 2013

me first - interesting concept

Putting me first, seems to be such an alien concept to so many of us. But this is important, not only because times are changing, but it is important for any individual. “Me first” is a concept of considering your own interests and your own happiness as the most important, and to cater to one’s own needs first.  Mentioned below are few pointers which will provide food for thought regarding the concept of  "me first"  :

Why I am scared of putting "me first"

1.     I am not selfish to put me first.
Most of the time I consider “me first” as equivalent to being selfish. I feel guilty about catering to my needs, about me being happy, about me being content, about me being in command of my life, especially when I compare my state with my friends and relatives.

2.     I want others happy, even if its on my cost.
I want other’s happy and I try my best to make them happy even if I have to sacrifice my happiness and my interests. I feel that others may not be very happy, if I consider my interests as priority. I want them to think good about myself, and hence I give priority to them and their needs.

3.     It will have adverse effect on my relationship with others.
I feel that if I put my interests first, people around me will take me in a wrong manner, and may move away from me. I feel that they may think of me as arrogant and selfish, and hence to save my relationships I should not put myself first.

Why I should put "me first"

1.     “me first” is not about being selfish, but it’s a concept ensuring my own welfare so I will be able to take care of others in a better manner. It’s about loving myself but not as an obsessive lover, it’s just about catering to my interests so that I can focus on others without worrying about myself. . As per Merriam-webster dictionary, definition of selfish is ”seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. Me first is not about disregarding others, but its about considering my own wellbeing in a positive manner.

2.     If I do not put me first, I may not feel truly happy. My unhappiness will  reflect in my mood and in my vibes. The same unhappy vibes will be rubbed on the people around me and it will make them unhappy as well,

3.   I can make others happy, if I am happy myself. Let’s assume happiness as a product, similar to chocolate. I will be able to distribute chocolate to others only if I am carrying it myself. If I myself do not have chocolates, then how will I distribute the same to others. Similarly, if I am happy and content with my life, then only I will be able to make others happy. My happiness should not be dependent on others; it should be unconditional.  If each individual become responsible for his or her own happiness, world will become better and a happier place.

4.     "me first" concept not only makes me satisfied person but also help me in becoming a better personality. I will become more confidant of myself. And we all know that people love to associate themselves with confidant person. I am sure that being confidant will win me more friends then you I have ever imagined.

5.     Once I start putting “me first”, I will feel less stressed about myself and my surroundings and I will be able to focus better on your task at hand. 


  1. You should never be stressed. So put 'me' first and come to Rohini for a change.

  2. sure.. wud luv to come to rohini.. first thing once i return.
