Monday, May 6, 2013

3 things to manage your new role

Congratulations on your promotion! 

Your organisation has finally given you the well deserved promotion. This means that they have shown trust in you and they want you to be responsible for bigger role. In order to make your self comfortable in your new role and to manage your increased responsibilities in better manner, here are the three things which you need to keep in mind. 

1. accept the change and change your self accordingly
In your previous role, if you may have gone into your comfort zone, but now with new responsibilities you need to change the way you work, establish a new routine which matches with your new role and responsibilities. If new role requires team management, then its important for you to align yourself with your team for better team engagement.

2. communicate
Maintaining effective communication channels is very much required in order to succeed in your new role. Identify your stakeholders and keep them informed accordingly. Keeping the communication lines open, helps you in gaining the trust of your stakeholders which will further help you in performing better in your new role. 

3. spend time with your boss
Spend productive time with your boss. Understand his expectations and plan to achieve your goals accordingly. You can set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly review meetings with your boss to discuss your progression. Try to get the feedback from him and modify your plans and strategy accordingly to achieve your goals. 

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