Sunday, August 25, 2013

life's view point- thoughts

 I run as if life is a race to win, never knew it's an opera to enjoy.
 - jeevan sehgal 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

el pasaje

el pasaje is in spanish means the passage clicked by jeevan sehgal in mumbai

interesting click

interesting click by jeevan sehgal

Sunday, June 2, 2013

dhalte hue suraj ko...

Clicked this pic on shirdi - shani shingnapur highway in car. I really liked this pic. As usual, written here few lines inspired by this pic.

sunset clicked by jeevan sehgal

ढलते  हुए सूरज को हाथ बढाकर रोका था मैंने 
जो मुढ़ कर देखा उसने , उन खाली नज़रों से  कुछ तो बोल रहा था 
जैसे उन बरसों पुराने तालों को, बिन चाभी के  कोई  खोल रहा था 

ढलते  हुए सूरज को हाथ बढाकर रोका था मैंने 
कॉपी के पन्नो पे बस कुछ अक्षर लिख कर चला गया था 
अपने अधूरे इरादों को जैसे , खुद की आग में ही जला गया था 

ढलते  हुए सूरज को हाथ बढाकर रोका था मैंने 
फिर आज, कुछ अनदेखे ख्वाब यूँ बुने थे मैंने 
फिर आज,  कल के लिए इंतज़ार किया था मैंने 
फिर आज ढलता सूरज से नाता तोड़ा था मैंने  

nice architecture at middle of the chowk

Very interesting architecture, at the middle of the circle at Kharghar, in Navi Mumbai.  Called Utsav Chowk., this reminds me of European Architecture..

Saturday, June 1, 2013

mount mary church at bandstand, mumbai

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I started this blog on 7th April 2013 and within two months, I have crossed 1000 visitor mark. Thanks to all my visitors. 

Godavari in Nasik

Godavari at Nasik - night view
full moon night at Godavari
aruna varuna godavari triveni sangam

banks of Godavari at Nasik

kuch sukh gaye the aansoo, kuch geele geele reh gaye the

कुछ सुख गए थे आंसू , कुछ गीले गीले रह गए थे ,
कुछ खोया, पर कुछ तो पाया भी था हमने, 
फिर भी  कुछ खाली खाली  रह गए थे । 

बस कुछ कदम भर चलीं, और घड़ी की सुईयां रुक सी गई थी 
इन पैरों के छालों को देख फिर, कुछ जीने का यकीं हुआ था 
लो संभालो अपने एहसासों को, कुछ ख़ामोश बातें ये कह गए थे  । 
कुछ सुख गए थे आंसू , कुछ गीले गीले रह गए थे । 

कुछ सुख गए थे आंसू , कुछ गीले गीले रह गए थे ,
कुछ खोया, पर कुछ तो पाया भी था हमने, 
फिर भी  कुछ खाली खाली  रह गए थे । 

ज़िन्दगी ने आहट भी नहीं की, न जाने कब आकर जाने का संदेसा दिया था 
ख़ुशी दस्तक देने ही लगी थी, फिर क्यूँ उसने यूँ मुंह मोड़ लिया था  
न अफ़सोस करो उन अरमानों का, जो समय की आंधी में बह गए थे 
कुछ सुख गए थे आंसू , कुछ गीले गीले रह गए थे । 

कुछ सुख गए थे आंसू , कुछ गीले गीले रह गए थे ,
कुछ खोया, पर कुछ तो पाया भी था हमने, 
फिर भी  कुछ खाली खाली  रह गए थे । 

Elephanta Caves - clicked by Jeevan Sehgal

Elephanta Caves clicked by Jeevan Sehgal

Monday, May 27, 2013

laugh at life

I saw this beggar on a street in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, today morning. There was a five year old kid accompanying this old fellow, perhaps his grand child. I gave my bottle of cold drink to the kid, and felt blessed with the smile on the kid's face. I wanted to click the kid, but the kid refused. I felt as if his self respect didn't want him to be clicked in such a state. Then I asked the older guy, the permission to click him and he laughed.. a hearty laugh..which i captured here. His picture also inspired me to write few lines.

beggar on street clicked by jeevan sehgal
फटे पुराने चिथड़ों  में सालों का तजुर्बा लिपटा था 
खाली हाथ कुछ यूँ फैले, मजबूरी का तमाशा दिखता था 

दो वक़्त की रोटी थी नहीं,फिर भी जीने की आस कहीं थी 
लगा ठहाका जोर जोर से, न जाने दुनिया पर क्या हँसता था 

भिखारी समझता था जो जग, उन लोगों की परवाह नहीं,
अपनी ही धुन में जीने की सही राह पकड़ कर चलता था 

आज उसे देखा तो लगा दुनिया कितनी बेमानी है 
इस दौड़ में अपना सब कुछ खोकर, क्यूँ जीते जी तु मरता था 

चल जी ले अभी, चल हंस दे अभी, खुश हो ले अभी, गम कर ना अभी
है जीत उसी की जो हंस के, सब ग़मों का सामना करता था 

Monday, May 20, 2013

khud ke liye jeene ko

फिर उड़ पड़ी चिढैया ये , उस असमान को छुने को । 

नन्हे नन्हे पंख फैला के, अरमानो को पूरा होने दो । 

बहुत हुआ जग कि चक्की में, दुनिया के लिए पिस पिस जीना । 

मत सोच मुसाफिर , उड़ नयी डगर,

कर हिम्मत आज इक बार, खुद के लिए जीने को । 

Friday, May 17, 2013

interesting thought

Bandra Worli Sea Link - clicked by Jeevan Sehgal





Wednesday, May 15, 2013

yahin kahin

चल मिल कर ढूंढे उस एहसास को जो कल यहीं कहीं छूट गया था 
झोली से कुछ पल यहीं कहीं गिर गए थे कल चलते चलते 
यहीं कहीं रह गयी थी कुछ पुरानी धुंधली यादें 
चल यहीं कहीं कर ले बसेरा अब, और थम जा ए ज़िन्दगी 

यहीं कहीं से ख्यालों के जंगल का रास्ता निकलता था  
अरमानों  के तालाब में हमने  डुबकी लगायी थी यहीं कहीं 
कोई यहीं कहीं से  हमें रोज़ न जाने क्यूँ  पुकारता था 
चल यहीं कहीं कर ले बसेरा अब, और थम जा ए ज़िन्दगी 

कुछ आहटें बंद कमरों में सुनाईं दी थीं यहीं कहीं 
यहीं कहीं कुछ बूंदे सूखी खुशियों पर बरसीं थीं  
हमने खुद अपने अक्स को पुकारा था यहीं कहीं 
चल यहीं कहीं कर ले बसेरा अब, और थम जा ए ज़िन्दगी 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 ways to recover from a Goof-Up at work

We all are human, and we all do commit mistakes once in a while, but then we need to rectify our mistakes. I really liked an article of economic times, which talks about the five ways to recover from the goof up at work.

1. Admit the mistake
2. Take responsibility and do not give lame reasons for the mistake
3. Do a root cause analysis to find the reason
4. Communicate stakeholders about the problem
5. Move on - do not keep blaming yourself.

Please click on the link below to read the complete article.

chhodh diya

नज़रों ने अभी भी प्यार भर के रखा हैं उनके लिए ,
उन्होंने आजकल खाली जाम लाना ही छोड़ दिया । 

जिन रास्तों पे हमने यूँ खुद को बिछा दिया , 
उन रास्तों पे उन्होंने आना जाना ही छोड़ दिया  । 

लफ़्ज़ों के गुच्छे यूँ सुख कर ही रह गए , 
उन्होंने हमसे बेवजह घंटों बतियाना ही छोड़ दिया । 

कभी किसी मोड़ पर न मिल बैठें हमसे दोबारा , 
यह सोचकर उन्होंने अब मुढंना ही छोड़ दिया । 

तन्हाईयों का ताँता इस क़दर लग गया ,
तन्हाईयों ने तन्हा आना ही छोड़ दिया । 

भूले वो हमें ऐसे कि इक याद ही रह गयी,
अब तो उस याद ने भी याद में आना ही छोड़ दिया ।  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

interesting clicks of birds

prince pigeon having lunch .. are body guards vigilant of surroundings?

lets go on evening walk

Saturday, May 11, 2013

interesting clicks of animals

namaste :)

Yes.. getting up..please let me sleep, five more minutes. 

interesting pics of crabs

crab in the thinking mode...

crab still in the shell, walking ...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

me first - interesting concept

Putting me first, seems to be such an alien concept to so many of us. But this is important, not only because times are changing, but it is important for any individual. “Me first” is a concept of considering your own interests and your own happiness as the most important, and to cater to one’s own needs first.  Mentioned below are few pointers which will provide food for thought regarding the concept of  "me first"  :

Why I am scared of putting "me first"

1.     I am not selfish to put me first.
Most of the time I consider “me first” as equivalent to being selfish. I feel guilty about catering to my needs, about me being happy, about me being content, about me being in command of my life, especially when I compare my state with my friends and relatives.

2.     I want others happy, even if its on my cost.
I want other’s happy and I try my best to make them happy even if I have to sacrifice my happiness and my interests. I feel that others may not be very happy, if I consider my interests as priority. I want them to think good about myself, and hence I give priority to them and their needs.

3.     It will have adverse effect on my relationship with others.
I feel that if I put my interests first, people around me will take me in a wrong manner, and may move away from me. I feel that they may think of me as arrogant and selfish, and hence to save my relationships I should not put myself first.

Why I should put "me first"

1.     “me first” is not about being selfish, but it’s a concept ensuring my own welfare so I will be able to take care of others in a better manner. It’s about loving myself but not as an obsessive lover, it’s just about catering to my interests so that I can focus on others without worrying about myself. . As per Merriam-webster dictionary, definition of selfish is ”seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. Me first is not about disregarding others, but its about considering my own wellbeing in a positive manner.

2.     If I do not put me first, I may not feel truly happy. My unhappiness will  reflect in my mood and in my vibes. The same unhappy vibes will be rubbed on the people around me and it will make them unhappy as well,

3.   I can make others happy, if I am happy myself. Let’s assume happiness as a product, similar to chocolate. I will be able to distribute chocolate to others only if I am carrying it myself. If I myself do not have chocolates, then how will I distribute the same to others. Similarly, if I am happy and content with my life, then only I will be able to make others happy. My happiness should not be dependent on others; it should be unconditional.  If each individual become responsible for his or her own happiness, world will become better and a happier place.

4.     "me first" concept not only makes me satisfied person but also help me in becoming a better personality. I will become more confidant of myself. And we all know that people love to associate themselves with confidant person. I am sure that being confidant will win me more friends then you I have ever imagined.

5.     Once I start putting “me first”, I will feel less stressed about myself and my surroundings and I will be able to focus better on your task at hand. 

maa ki duayein

कल आ कर कुछ देर मेरे साथ मंजी पर बैठी थी वोह धूप,
कुछ देर ही सही, पर जी भर के तपाया था उसने कल मुझे,
कह के गयी थी की तप के अब मैं सोना बन गया हूँ,
जा उसे कोई बताये, कि सोना बनने के लिए तो बस मेरी माँ की नज़रें ही काफी हैं ।

जो भुझा गयी मेरे सपनो के दीपक की लौ को, उस धुप से गिला नहीं,
की क्यूँ सुबह सवेरे मेरी आँखों में झांक, जगा देती है मुझे,
कह के गयी थी की अब रात की अँगड़ाईयों को चादर की तहों में समेट डालूँ,
जा उसे कोई बताये, कि सुबह सवेरे उठने के लिए मेरी माँ की हाथ की चाय की एक चुस्की ही काफी हैं।

भागती रही दिनभर दिन की दौड़ में मेरे साथ वोह धूप,
कुछ कच्चे कुछ पक्के सवालों का जवाब हम ढूंडते रहे मिल कर,
और रात को लेकर आई मलहम लगाने उन छालों पर, जो दिनभर चलने से पैरो में पड़ गए थे,
जा उसे कोई बताये, की रात को आराम से सोने के लिए मेरी माँ की लोरी की आवाज़ ही काफी है ।

आज फिर उस मंजी पर बैठा हूँ, उसी धुप के साथ,
कुछ गुफ्तगू हो रही है, चुपचाप, बस आँखों आँखों में,
दे रही हैं जीने के नुस्खे कुछ, बता रही है कुछ टोटके,
जा उसे कोई बताये, की जिंदा रहने के लिए बस मेरी माँ की दूआयें ही काफी हैं।

Monday, May 6, 2013

3 things to manage your new role

Congratulations on your promotion! 

Your organisation has finally given you the well deserved promotion. This means that they have shown trust in you and they want you to be responsible for bigger role. In order to make your self comfortable in your new role and to manage your increased responsibilities in better manner, here are the three things which you need to keep in mind. 

1. accept the change and change your self accordingly
In your previous role, if you may have gone into your comfort zone, but now with new responsibilities you need to change the way you work, establish a new routine which matches with your new role and responsibilities. If new role requires team management, then its important for you to align yourself with your team for better team engagement.

2. communicate
Maintaining effective communication channels is very much required in order to succeed in your new role. Identify your stakeholders and keep them informed accordingly. Keeping the communication lines open, helps you in gaining the trust of your stakeholders which will further help you in performing better in your new role. 

3. spend time with your boss
Spend productive time with your boss. Understand his expectations and plan to achieve your goals accordingly. You can set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly review meetings with your boss to discuss your progression. Try to get the feedback from him and modify your plans and strategy accordingly to achieve your goals. 

what an idea sir ji !!! mother-son telephone exchange ad

Latest of idea advertisement  is a very interesting ad about mother son relationship. Very nice advertisement giving a realistic portrayal of the mother son relationship in today's time, and how exchange of phones puts them in each other's shoes and make them realize their mistakes. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

proud to be a delhite , creative captial of India

I know, I am a creative delhite ;) but delhi as a creative capital, WOW!

As per the news article in today's economic times, Delhi emerges as India's creative capital in a creative index compiled by Institute of Competitiveness, Indian chapter of collaborative effort between Harvard Business School and Martin Prosperity Institute, a Canada based think tank.

As a country, India ranked 30th out of 80 countries for Tolerance (how open are they to new ideas), 42nd out of 75 countries for Technology (how technologically savvy are they)  and 75th out of 82 countries for Talent ( how capable is their workforce), the three attributes or human factors which were measured for global creativity index

Creative class of population in india at 14% places the country as 70th spot globally amoung the 82 ranked. The creative occupational groups include people employed in management, finance, law, healthcare, science, engineering, architecture, design, education, arts, music and entertainment.

In 2011, Sweden was rated as number one country on the global creativity index, followed by US, Finland, Denmark and Australia.

Just for your information, below are two definitions of creativity..

As per Oxford Dictionary, the definition of creativity is "the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness:"
As per the california state university northbridge website, "Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others"


bezubaan ashique

समंदर में जा कर, इतरा कर, बल खाकर,  
बस बैठ गयी एक टकटकी लगा कर,
कुछ देर के लिए ही सही, 
पर निहारा तो हमने भी था उसे हसरत भरी निगाह से 
खामोश प्यार इस कदर परवान चड़ा   
कि आज समंदर भी मीठा हो गया, बेजुबान आशिकी को डूबा कर 

You really cant believe but the above lines are written by me specially for this dog, whom i clicked today at vashi mini shore. She was an amazing dog, who just came from somewhere, entered the sea and gave me great clicks.

Is my love for dogs increasing day by day.. I  bru-no. err.. i mean, I dont know .

Friday, May 3, 2013

TBA - 3 steps to achieve your goals

local guys playing football at beach in north goa

I am planning to join gym since last five years, still i am unable to join it. Each time i make it as my goal, something or the other stops me in achieving it. Last time, i even bought shoes, shorts and t shirts specially to join the gym. Still somehow i was not able to join the gym.  

I am sure, this thing happens with so many people, like me. when we really want to achieve some goal, still somehow something stops us to work towards it. I tried thinking about the reasons and how can i overcome this problem of mine. I have come up with a very simple three steps plan. And i would like to share it with you all, so that you can also create your goals to achieve


A lot of time, just defining the goal is not enough. Think of the time when you will achieve the goal. How will your life be different at that time. Will achieving the goal helps you in having a better life. Many times, imagining the final achievement, helps one to kickstart and work towards the goal.Once you think about the final result, it will also help you in planning the steps to achieve it in a systematic manner. 

Let's assume that for you also joining the gym is a problem area, then think of the physical benefits of gymming, not only you will be able to achieve a great physique, you will also be able to meet and friends with different sorts of people. 


Believe in yourself, believe in the goal defined by you and believe that you can really achieve it. You will be able to differentiate between true goal and a goal defined just for the sake of defining, by gauging your belief in it. If you are not convince, and don't believe in the goal then there are high chances of you not pursuing it and achieving it.  I ensure you that you can achieve any goal, i repeat any goal defined by you, if you truly believe in so.


Believing and thinking can be done while sitting on the couch or even lying in the bed. But only once you move and start acting you will be able to break the inertia. Sometimes, you just have to shut your brain and start acting on your goal. Always remember, "just do it" the powerful tagline of nike. Lot of times, you will see that its just being lazy, which prevents you to achieve the desired goals and once you start acting, automatically you will be motivated  enough to pursue it further.

just remember TBA... think believe and act.. and venture out to achieve your goals.

fishermen in the night

fishermen in the night

There is a place called minishore near vashi sector 10, which has a huge pond. I went to a walk there  around 8.30 in the night, and saw these fishermen, trying to catch fish. I was not carrying my camera, but clicked this pic from my mobile phone.

this picture has life of its own, a life's viewpoint of its own, same as this blog.


clicked by jeevan sehgal near vashi mini beach

एक हवा का झोंका कुछ यूँ छु के निकला ,
एक धुप की किरण कुछ यूँ सिरहाने बैठी ,
एक कोयल ने कुछ यूँ मधुर गीत सुनाया ,
भूल गया कि मुझे वो ठूंठ कहते हैं ।

एक शादी में मुझ पर यूँ रौशनी करी ,
किसी ने तस्वीरें ऐसी खींची कि पुरस्कृत करी ,
कुछ लोगो ने यूँ शोख रंगों के कपड़ों से सजाया ,
भूल गया कि मुझे वो ठूंठ कहते हैं ।

न जाने कैसे एक देवता की झलक मुझमे दिख गयी ,
जहाँ धूप में अकेले तपता था अब मुझे पूजने लम्बी कतारे लग गयी ,
जिन लोगो ने ही मुझे मृत घोषित किया ,
उन्होंने ही मेरे होने का एहसास कुछ ऐसा मुझमे जगाया,
भूल गया कि मुझे वो ठूंठ कहते हैं । 

Monday, April 29, 2013

darwaza khula hai !

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आजाओ एहसास की हवाओं ,
आज तुमसे लिपट कर रोने का जी कर रहा है । 

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आजाओ ख़ुशी की बूंदों,
तुमको समेटकर, सुखा कर, कल के लिए डब्बे में बंद कर लूं । 

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आजाओ ग़मों के सायों,
फिर तुमको मलहम लगा कर, मुंह फेर लूं तुमसे, तुमको भूलकर ।

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आजाओ प्रीतम,
इक बार तुम्हे देख लूँ आँखें बंद होने से पहले । 

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आजाओ समय 
जी ली है ज़िन्दगी तेरे ही इंतज़ार में । 

अब बंद कर लो दरवाज़ा,  
नहीं आयेगा कोई, इस खंडहर में घुमने को,
कुंडी लगा लो, 
ताकी बची हुई यादें भी न छोड़ जायें यूँ अकेला 

दरवाज़ा खुला है, आखरी बार 
समेट लो सब सामान जो ले जा सको अपने साथ 
रह जायेगा दरवाज़ा खुला 
पर बंद हो जायेंगे उस दरवाज़े की और जाने वाले सब रास्ते ।